Control Granularity

In the EVM storage, a slot is the smallest data unit. Each storage slot can hold 256 bits or 32 bytes of data. Smart contracts use these slots to store and manage their state variables, which are the persistent data that the contract maintains. Contracts can read from and write to individual storage slots.

Arcology's concurrency control operates at the slot level, tracking data access right down to individual storage slots. A slot-level concurrency control design offers several advantages:

  • Simplicity: Storage slots provide a clear and consistent unit of data storage within a smart contract. Concurrency control mechanisms operating at this granularity are straightforward to implement and reason about.

  • Minimized Overhead: As storage slots are a fundamental storage unit in Ethereum, a slot-level concurrency control design fits well with the underlying architecture of the EVM and blockchain. The granularity of storage slots allows for efficient conflict detection and resolution, minimizing the overhead associated with managing concurrent transactions.

  • EVM Compatibility: Ethereum's EVM is built around the concept of storage slots, making it align with the platform's design. Developers and users can expect a consistent and predictable behavior when it comes to managing shared resources within smart contracts.

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