
Concurrent String Array

The String contract is a concurrent array specialized for storing string data. It inherits from the Base contract to utilize container functionalities for string storage.




Public Functions


function push(string memory elem) public virtual

Add a string data element to the concurrent array.

  • Parameters:

    • elem: The string data element to add to the array.


function pop() public virtual returns (string memory)

Remove and return the last string data element from the concurrent array.

  • Returns:

    • string: The last string data element from the array.


function get(uint256 idx) public virtual returns (string memory)

Retrieve the string data element at the given index from the concurrent array.

  • Parameters:

    • idx: The index of the string data element to retrieve.

  • Returns:

    • string: The string data element stored at the given index.


function set(uint256 idx, string memory elem) public

Set the string data element at the given index in the concurrent array.

  • Parameters:

    • idx: The index where the string data element should be stored.

    • elem: The string data element to be stored at the specified index.

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