
Multiprocessing Manager

Multiprocessing is a powerful package enabling developers to spawn EVM instances for parallel processing, similar to starting new threads in other general-purpose languages. It overcomes the limitations of the single-threaded design in EVM.

The module offers a queue, which temporarily holds a list of tasks before execution begins. State consistency is rigorously guaranteed all the time.


The Multiprocess contract inherits from "Base" and "Revertible" contracts. It serves as a container for executable messages, enabling parallel processing more similar to Python's multiprocessing library.


constructor (uint256 threads)

constructor(uint256 processes)

Constructor to initialize the Multiprocess container.

  • Parameters:

    • processes: The number of parallel proceses(ranging from 1 to 255) for parallel processing.

Public Functions


function push(uint256 gaslimit, address contractAddr, bytes memory funcCall) public virtual

Push an executable message into the container with specified gas limit, contract address, and function call data.

  • Parameters:

    • gaslimit: The gas limit for the execution of the function call.

    • contractAddr: The address of the smart contract to execute the function on.

    • funcCall: The encoded function call data.


function push(uint256 gaslimit, uint256 ethVal, address contractAddr, bytes memory funcCall) public virtual

Push an executable message into the container with specified gas limit, eth value, contract address, and function call data.

  • Parameters:

    • gaslimit: The gas limit for the execution of the function call.

    • ethVal: The number of wei sent with the message.

    • contractAddr: The address of the smart contract to execute the function on.

    • funcCall: The encoded function call data.


function pop() public virtual returns (bytes memory)

Pop an executable message from the container.

  • Returns:

    • bytes: The popped executable message.


function get(uint256 idx) public virtual returns (bytes memory)

Get an executable message from the container at the specified index.

  • Parameters:

    • idx : The index of the executable message to retrieve.

  • Returns:

    • bytes: The executable message at the specified index.


function set(uint256 idx, bytes memory elem) public

Set an executable message at the specified index in the container.

  • Parameters:

    • idx: The index where the executable message should be stored.

    • elem: The executable message data to be stored at the specified index.


function run() public

This function processes the executable messages concurrently with the number of threads specified in the constructor.

Note: Executions causing potential state inconsistency will be reverted automatically. This is guaranteed at the system level.


The contract is licensed under the GPL-3.0 license.

Last updated