1. Introduction

Blockchain cannot magically break the laws of physics, higher TPS always requires more computational resources. In the centralized world, horizontal scaling is always an effective solution. If one machine can't live up to the task, just spread it across multiple machines.

However, blockchain projects today typically adopt a single-thread and monolithic design (e.g., Geth for Ethereum) that can only be installed on a single machine, which hinders many of the benefits of intra-node horizontal scaling.

1.1. Event Driven Microservice

Arcology is a high-performance and general-purpose system that naturally demands a flexible, scalable and loosely coupled system architecture. An ED microservice architecture just meets the needs. In Arcology, all key modules are provided as independent services that can easily. With a couple of exceptions, the services communicate asynchronously through message brokers (Streamer + Kafka). Majority of services aren’t aware of each other.

1.2. Horizontal Scaling

The framework design of Arcology enables horizontal scaling across multiple threads on a single machine or multiple machines. By utilizing all available resources on a single machine, Arcology always ensure the best performance. In situations where one machine is unable to handle the workload, additional machines can be easily added. This design allows for an increase in transactions per second by simply adding more processing cores, which can be done at a relatively low cost in today's market.

1.3. Flexibility

Arcology allows users to customize their setups based on their specific needs. Installing all necessary components on a single machine is possible and straightforward. However, for users seeking enhanced performance, setting up a cluster can be done in under 10 minutes.

1.4. Cost and Complexities

To many people, running a computer cluster seems to be of out of reach of average users due to high cost and complexity and these factors certainly affect the level of decentralization. However, setting up an Arcology node cluster is surprisingly affordable. Furthermore, the client installer package includes a range of tools to simplify the installation process.

1.5. VM Neutral

Arcology is inherently VM agnostic by design, it can work with any type of VM in theory. Arcology has added EVM support from v0.9 to support Ethereum ecosystem. Smart contracts running on Ethereum can be moved to Arcology smoothly with no modifications required.

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