ETH L2 Rollup

An Ethereum Layer 2 rollup

Warning: This document is still being upgraded to the latest version. Please Don't use it until this message is removed!

As an L2 mode, Arcology serves as a parallel execution layer to scale Ethereum. Arcology uses Optimism interchain bridge to communicate with Ethereum. The Ethereum docker image contains a standard Ethereum release that needs to be started first before starting the L2

Please replace the IP addresses in the document with of your host machine IP.

1. Start Ethereum L1

docker run -itd --name l1 -p 7545:7545 arcologynetwork/ethereum

2. Start Archology L2 Rollup

The entire setup process for the L2 may take 10 to 20 minutes to complete. Please be patient.

docker run -itd --name l2 -p 8545:8545 arcologynetwork/devnet -f -s -r false -m false

3. Installation Progress

In case you want check out the real-time updates on the L2 installation:

 sudo docker attach l2

Once completed, you can expect to see the following output:

Sync Smart Contract Info From L1 ...                                                                Ok

[ Start L2 Node ]***************************************************************************************************************************************************
Start kafka ...                                                                                     OK
Create topics for  kafka ...                                                                        OK
Create path for  zookeeper ...                                                                      OK
Start Arcology ...                                                                                  OK

[ Start OP Bridge ]*************************************************************************************************************************************************
Starting OpNode ...                                                                                 OK
Starting opBatcher ...                                                                              OK
Starting opProposer ...                                                                             OK

[ System Started ]**************************************************************************************************************************************************
Refer to the log file( /devnet/log/2024-05-28-23_40_03_config,/devnet/log/2024-05-28-23_40_03_arcology,/devnet/log/2024-05-28-23_40_03_opNode,/devnet/log/2024-05-28-23_40_03_opBatcher,/devnet/log/2024-05-28-23_40_03_opProposer ) for details


Once the setup is complete, you need to check the connectivity to ensure the network is running properly.

Check L1 & L2 Interaction

Please refer to this document to check if the L1 and L2 are connected properly.

Last updated